

Meelup Beach is a favourite picnic spot with lawn areas and shady trees overlooking the water.

There are NO camping facilities and overnight camping is not permitted in the Meelup Regional Park.

Meelup Beach facilities:

  • Gas barbecues
  • Picnic tables
  • Ablution facilities (including toilets, change rooms and showers)
  • Water fountain
  • Emergency defibrillation device
  • Volunteer litter pick-up station

Castle Bay facilities:

  • Gas barbecues
  • Picnic tables
  • Toilet
  • Volunteer litter pick-up station

Point Picquet facilities:

  • Whale viewing platform with seating
  • Toilet

Gannet Rock facilities

  • Picnic table

Bins are provided at some of the coastal carparks. If there are no bins, please take your rubbish with you.