Walk Trails


The Meelup Coastal Trail is one WA’s iconic coastal walks and links to the famous Cape to Cape Track. The Park offers a variety of walking trails ranging from accessible, family-friendly to challenging rocky scrambles. Please use the grading system to choose the right walk for you.

All trails feature the Park’s distinct landscape and diversity of flora. Springtime boasts a kaleidoscope of wildflowers, such as the brilliant red claw flower and delicate orchids. Kangaroos and quenda (bandicoots) are often spotted at dawn and dusk, and black cockatoos can be heard overhead. 

Walk softly on country and leave no trace. Stick to designated trails. Clean footwear at dieback stations and before entering dieback free areas. Please watch for snakes, particularly in spring and summer.

Dunsborough to Meelup Beach

Trail Type: Walk trail only

Distance: 3.7km
Grade 2


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This limestone and gravel trail runs alongside a number of secluded, pretty granite and sandy coves. The brilliant red of the claw flower (Calothamnus graniticus ssp. graniticus) stands out amongst the trail’s coastal heath in spring. On this trail you’ll experience the cool shade of peppermint and WA Christmas tree groves, as well as more exposed low-lying heath vegetation. You might be lucky to spot a shy quenda darting across the trail in the early morning or at dusk.

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Meelup Beach to Eagle Bay

Trail Type: Walk trail only

Distance: 3.3km
Grade 3


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The coastal trail has a limestone tread from Meelup Beach to Point Picquet, and is a mixture of limestone, gravel and granite outcrops from Point Picquet to Eagle Bay. You’ll pass through Gannet Rock, popular for snorkelling, and well known fishing and winter surfing spot Point Picquet. Point Picquet is named after Sub-Lieutenant Picquet, who was part of the French exploration crew of 1801. At Point Piquet the walk trail crosses Eagle Bay-Meelup Road and continues on the other side of the road, through the bush to Riedle Park.

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Lookout Circuit

Trail Type: Walk trail only

Distance: 3.3km
Grade 3


Map of Lookout Circuit Meelup Regional Park


Departing from the Coastal Trail near Castle Rock, make the steep and rocky scramble to take in panoramic views across Geographe Bay. Care is required. Wadandi people used the lookout for generations and in the 1840s, the Castle Bay Whaling Company used it to spot whales. Humpback and southern right whales can be seen from September and November as they return south to Antarctica with their calves.

Blue whales, the world’s largest whale, can be seen from shore between October and November.  Dolphins can be spotted throughout the year. Please use the dieback hygiene station to clean your shoes.

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Meelup Brook Trail

Trail Type: Dual use and (part-250m) universal access

Distance: 1.2km
Grade 1-2


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This peaceful trail winds along and crosses Meelup Brook beneath overhanging marri and peppermint trees. The first section of the trail from Meelup Beach is universal access and constructed from compacted limestone. After passing through a large culvert underneath the road, the universal access trail terminates at a timber decking to overlook the bubbling Meelup Brook, which flows in winter and autumn. The trail then continues along a pea gravel firebreak following the Meelup Brook upstream. Keep your ears open for the familiar call of Baudin’s cockatoo and spot them roosting and feeding on gumnuts in the tall branches of marri trees.

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Car Rally Trail (Loop section optional)

Trail Type: Walk trail only

Distance: 1.5km

Distance (incl. Loop): 3.4km

Grade 2-3


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The Car Rally trail behind Meelup Beach starts at a gravel carpark on the Eagle Bay- Meelup Road. The trail has a limestone tread and is on a moderate slope in sections with some uneven ground over rock drainage culverts. You can view glimpses of the turquoise water of Geographe Bay through the diverse vegetation of the Jarrah/Marri woodland. You will pass an old gravel pit which is being rehabilitated with coir logs and plantings.
You may like to walk a loop trail starting from Meelup Beach (passing through a large culvert underneath the road), heading up the Meelup Brook trail, onto the western firebreak track and Sheen Road and down the Car Rally trail to Meelup Beach. Or you can walk this loop trail in reverse. Total distance 3.4km.

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Whaler’s Lookout Trail

Trail Type: Walk trail only

Distance: 0.3km
Grade 3


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This trail is a moderately steep spur from the coastal trail starting at Castle Rock. The trail may be steep, but the effort is worth it! Near the top of the trail you can take a rest on a timber bench, or continue to the top to find a magnificent 180-degree view of Geographe Bay. Along the trail in spring you’ll find a delightful variety of herbaceous annual wildflowers, including trigger plants and sundew.

In the 1840s whalers used this lookout to spot whales for the Castle Bay Whaling Company as it provided panoramic views over the bay. Humpback and southern right whales can now be seen close to shore between September and December as they return southward to Antarctic waters with their calves - click here for more information on Whale Watching.

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Baudin Memorial to Riedle Park

Trail Type: Universal access

Distance: 0.35km
Grade 1


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This is a flat pleasant trail shaded by peppermint trees along its length with a compacted limestone tread. The trail starts at the Baudin memorial - crosses Eagle Bay/Meelup Road and continues on the other side of the road to Riedle Park.

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Eagle Bay Firebreak

Trail Type: Dual use

Distance: 2.9km
Grade 2


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This trail is a pea gravel and limestone firebreak that extends from the end of Sheens Road all the way to Eagle Bay. An undulating trail, there are a number of uphill and downhill sections. Traversing mostly marri/jarrah forest, there is also a lovely section of banksia woodland on sandy soil closer to Eagle Bay that provides a contrast to the forest.

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Enjoy the trails!