Dunsborough - Western Australia

With world-class beaches, coastal walking trails, winter surf and a playground for marine life Meelup Regional Park is perfect for outdoor adventure or for families seeking a protected spot to swim and have a picnic. The park has a stunning visual landscape, due to its protected coastline and the stark contrast between the rustic granite outcrops and turquoise ocean. The park is a special place for visitors, providing a unique connection to the ruggedness, beauty and inspiration of nature.

The Park is easy to access via bitumen roads and parking at the main swimming beaches. To access the park,Park from Dunsborough travel north on Cape Naturaliste Road for xxkm then turn right onto Meelup Beach Road ( Directions Map here).

The park provides facilities to make your visit more enjoyable and to help protect the natural environment of the park. Facilities include:

  • Gas Barbecues (Meelup Beach and Castle Bay)
  • Bins (coastal carpark areas)
  • Toilets (Meelup, Castle Bay, Point Piquet and Eagle Bay)
  • Picnic Tables (Meelup Beach, Gannet Rock and Castle Bay)
  • Whale Watching Platform (Point Piquet)
  • Disabled (universal) access trails and facilities.

There are currently two universal access trails in the park, the Meelup Brook trail and the coastal trail between Eagle Bay and Riedle Park . There is also universal access to the Point Piquet Whale Viewing Platform.




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You can help preserve this special place in the following ways:

Stay on designated trails
These are shown on the map. Please stay on designated trails to minimise the spread of dieback in the Park. Dieback is a water mould (Phytophthora cinnamomi) that kills plants and is spread by soil on your shoes and car/bike tyres read more...
Do not light fires in the park
Bushfires claim lives and can be devastating to flora, fauna and park neighbours. Do not light a fire in the park - read more...
Park in designated areas
Prevent damaging native vegetation and causing soil compaction, by parking in the designated car parking areas.
Leave your pets at home
Dogs, other than assistance dogs as prescribed in the Dog Act 1976, are prohibited in Meelup Regional Park (other than a small portion of the beach adjacent to the Eagle Bay townsite). For further information click here Dogs and other pets may scare away native animals, spread disease, escape and become feral (link to feral animals in ‘threats’) or attract other dogs from surrounding locals. 1080 poison baits are used in the Park to control feral animals which pose a threat to pets.
Use the bins and toilets provided
Bins and toilets are provided for your convenience. Litter and human waste impact on wildlife and the enjoyment of park users.
Do not dump garden waste
Weeds pose a serious threat to the Park’s environment by displacing native vegetation and wildlife. Please do not dump garden refuse in or near the park.

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You can help preserve this special place in the following ways:

Stay on designated trails  |  Do not light fires in the park  |  Park in designated areas  |  Leave your pets at home  |  Use the bins and toilets provided  |  Do not dump garden waste  |  No Camping


Telephone: (08) 9781 0444